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Welcome to the Paradise Missionary Baptist State Convention (PMBSC) of Arizona, Inc.  In the PMBSC you’ll find believers with a passion for Christ.  God has blessed the convention with talented people who are making a positive difference for Christ.  We invite you to join us by getting involved and making a difference.  We are so glad to have you as a member of the PMBSC of Arizona, Inc.


In 1920 a group of Black Baptist Churches decided to organize a state convention for the purposes of carrying out more effective missionary work, Christian education, and for the promotion of Christian charitable work.  They further organized to maintain the principles and practices of their faith.   It was decided that the convention would consist of the Northern, Central, and Southern District Associations.


It is the vision of the PMBSC to provide a brighter future for our convention churches by building stronger churches one Christian at a time. We provide training and opportunities for service through our auxiliaries. We believe it takes team work for the dream to work so we encourage everyone to get involved in fulfilling the Great Commission and Great Commandment (Matt.22:37-40; 28:19-20).


Our mission is to be good stewards of God’s resources (Management) so we can win lost souls (Missions) and assimilate them into the church family (Membership) and help them to grow in their faith (Maturity) and serve others (Ministry) as they worship God (Magnification).


We focus on these major areas: (1) Membership - Fellowship (2) Maturity - Discipleship (3) Ministry - Service (4) Missions - Evangelism (5) Magnification - Worship and (6) Management - Stewardship.


Articles of Faith


The Bible:  We believe that the Bible was written by persons divinely inspired and that it is the only infallible rule of faith and practice.


God:  There is only one true and living God, revealed to us as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, the same in essence and equal in every divine perfection.


Humanity was created holy, innocent, and happy, but by the disobedience of one person, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so death passed upon all for all have sinned.


Salvation:  It is the duty of all to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.


Security:  Nothing can separate true believers from the love of God, but that they will be kept by His power through faith unto salvation.


Ordinances:  Christian Baptism is administered by only the immersion of believers in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that believers only are entitled to partake of the Lord’s Supper.


Eternality:  There will be a general resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment when all human kind will be judged according to their deeds, that the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal. 


Evangelism:  The Christian ministry is a divinely appointed means for the spread of the Gospel throughout the world, and that it is the duty of all Christians according to ability to contribute to its support.


Anyone who is a member of our convention churches can participate.  If you are a new church, you must submit a letter of request to join.  If you are a member and interested, just attend one of the PMBSC quarterly board meetings or functions.  Meetings are held usually the Saturday before the second Sunday in January, April, and the third week in July.  During this time, you will be introduced by the President to the body.  If you’re interested in serving, please contact the leader of the department or auxiliary.


  • Quarterly Board Meetings – held on the 2nd Saturdays in January and April, and 3rd Saturday in August.

  • Youth State Camp - held in June each year in Prescott, AZ at Camp Prescott Pines.

  • Young Ladies To Women Conference - held in May at various locations.

  • Congress of Christian Education – certified and relevant classes.

  • Boyz to Men Fellowship - held in various places.


Voting: In order to vote in the convention’s business affairs, each messenger must be properly enrolled or registered.


Church Enrollment:

  • $100 a month for large churches

  • $75 for medium churches

  • $50 for small churches.


Each year the Congress of Christian Education asks for $300 from large churches, $200 from medium churches and $100 from small churches.  


Personal Enrollment at the Annual Session:

  • Pastors and Ministers $20.00

  • Leaders $15.00

  • Adults and Youth $10.00

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